Youth Stories Archives

June 2024

Beach Break 2024

In June 2024, we went down to Corpus Christi to complete a service project with a local thrift shop called HiAgain resale that helps out with local women's ministry in the area! We got to help organize donations so that they could be put on shelves and HiAgain could make more money to support their ministries!

March 2024

Praying Pelican Mission Trip

In March 2024 we partnered up with Praying Pelican Missions to do a family mission trip to Jackson Mississippi! While there, we got to serve the city through food pantries, yard work and evangelizing! It was truly an amazing trip!

February 2024

Heading Home ATX

In February 2024, we partnered up with Heading Home ATX to pack homeless bags and to help organize their supply closet. We then were charged to share these bags with whoever we felt God put on our heart. It was awesome to learn more about this local ministry and to be challenged to love our neighbors in need!

January 2024

Hometown Missions/Citywide

In January 2024 we joined 6 other churches to help out local missions around Drip! We were lucky enough to help out with Hometown Missions! Our main goal was to chainsaw and clean up fallen trees from a local residents house. We had a blast getting to know our client and we loved that we got to serve with an awesome organization like Hometown Missions. 

March 2023

Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bunk Bed Build

In March 2023 DSPC hosted a bunk bed build from the ministry Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Together with all of our community we made around 40 beds that will be delivered to families who need a bed for their kids. Sleep in Heavenly Peace's main mission is that no kids sleeps on the floor in their town! We are so glad we got to be apart of this amazing ministry!

February 2023

Winter Storm Dripping Springs

In February 2023, Dripping Springs and the Hill Country area was hit rather hard from a winter storm that caused a lot of damage to many people's properties and home. Tree branches/trees were down everywhere and many people were left without power for days. After the weather cleared up, some of the youth got out to help out a fellow DSPC member/high school volunteer with her yard that had a ton of tree branches everywhere! We are so thankful for this person and it's an honor to get to serve her!

July 2022

Blueprint Summer Camp San Antonio

In July 2022 some of our youth group and volunteers went down to San Antonio to join alongside Blueprint Ministries to help in their goal of making every roof in San Antonio safe and dry. Over 4 long days of summer heat, we tore down, cleaned and reshingled half of a roof. We were blessed to get to know our home owner, Cindia, and get to know more about her life as we got to serve her. Together we worked as a team to overcome exhaustion and the heat! We saw God move in our lives in so many ways and we are so grateful for our time there as we learned more about serving!

May 2022

Hungry Souls Meal Packing

In May 2022 we joined up with the local ministry Hungry Souls (Tiger Souls) who help out local school districts by providing food to any families who may need help over weekends or breaks. We packed around 100 bags to be distributed out that next week to our school district. We are so grateful for Hungry Souls and Chris King and how they serve this community! They are an amazing ministry!

March 2022

Sleep In Heavenly Peace Bunk Bed Build

In March 2022 DSPC was the site of one of Sleep in Heavenly Peace's Bunk Bed Build! Over the course of 3 hours we made the pieces for 30 bunk beds so that SHP can go out and deliver these to families/children who need beds in our city! It was awesome to see our community come together to work hard on a beautiful day! Our youth was out there representing as well and did a lot of the staining of the beds and sanding of the beds! It was fantastic!

February 2022

Souper Bowl of Caring

Every year our youth group and church competes against other Presbyterian churches in our area in the Souper Bowl of Caring! Each church is encouraged to pick a local food pantry they feel called to assist and get money donations and canned goods in the name of fun competition. The winner of this competition gets to hold the Souper Bowl of Caring Championship Title Belt for that year! This past year DSPC raised $4,471 and 315 canned goods for Helping Hands in Dripping Springs! We are so grateful for your help in this and its awesome to see how our community came together to help out!

December 2021

Sleep in Heavenly Peace High School Build

Some of our youth leaders and our high school small group leader worked with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to make and deliver 3 bunk beds in the Kyle area. We were so grateful to be apart of this organization and it was truly amazing to work with SHP and to see the joy they bring to families by providing beds for the Austin area.

February 2021

Helping Hands Food Drive

From January 2021 to February 2021, DSPC youth led our congregation in gathering canned goods and money donations to help out our local food pantry, Helping Hands. In that month we raised over 2,900 dollars and collected 350 canned goods! That averages out to each member of our church bringing 10 cans!!  We also competed against other churches in our Presbytery and got 4th overall for most canned goods collected!

October 2020

DSPC Youth + Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Even during a pandemic, our youth got a chance to help out Sleep in Heavenly Peace in October of 2020. DSPC and our youth made over 30 beds for local families who were in need of beds. Whether it was sanding wood, hammering holes into the wood or staining the wood our youth loved helping out!  We are so thankful for our High School Youth Volunteer Chris Millette who led this service project for our community!

Summer 2020

Be the Bridge

Over 5 weeks in summer of 2020, around 12 students gathered each week on a Thursday night to talk about racial unity and our faith. We discussed privilege, systematic racism, social justice and more! We also got a chance to check out examples of how God is a God of justice and how He cares for oppressed groups in the Bible. Our youth group is devoted to continue to "be the bridge" as we fight against racism and continue to love God's people!

February 2020

Serve the Community Scavenger Hunt

In February 2020 our high school youth group decided to have some fun and serve the community by having a "Serve the Community Scavenger Hunt!" For an hour of our night we drove around town and found ways to help in our communities. We washed cars, cleaned kitchens, helped load groceries in cars and even cleaned out a chicken coop! We had a blast as we used team work to help people around us!