"Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me."

Refugee Crisis Response
Mission Presbytery is responding to the refugee crisis at the border by partnering with Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center. The center is in desperate need of hygiene items, diapers and wipes, underwear and socks. You can click the links below and items will be directly shipped to the Respite Center and into the hands of men, women and children who are in need.
DSPC Partner Church in Mazatlan, Mexico
In 2020, DSPC formed a long term relationship with a Presbyterian Church in Mazatlan, Mexico. Our support allows them to provide support to children, youth, and families in their immediate community. During the past year, they've created a youth orchestra for the youth of the church to counter the effects of the isolation experienced from the pandemic and to guard against the risk of drugs and other perils. Additionally, Pastor Mauricio established a food pantry supplying families with needed food items. He also operates a prison ministry with his guitar and Biblia.
The cost of a single family food pantry deliver is $10. The cost to sponsor one child in the orchestra is $30/month. For more information about sponsorship donations, contact Amy.
The cost of a single family food pantry deliver is $10. The cost to sponsor one child in the orchestra is $30/month. For more information about sponsorship donations, contact Amy.

Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom by partnering with us in our mission projects.
Our church is full of ordinary people living out the extraordinary call that God has put on their lives; care for the vulnerable, love the unloved, and heal what is broken. Everyone is qualified, and we are waiting you to jump in.

Prayers for Partners
At DSPC, we want to show up for our Mission Partners in every way--physically, financially, and spiritually. We believe in order to be faithful partners, we must be praying for these organizations and the people that comprise them. On a regular basis, we solicit specific prayer requests from our partners. Then, the Mission Team, along with a dedicated group of prayer warriors pray over these specific joys and concerns and lift them up to God.
Want to be a part of this Prayers for Partners mission team? Simply fill out the form below to begin receiving lists.
Want to be a part of this Prayers for Partners mission team? Simply fill out the form below to begin receiving lists.